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 Ample Energy

Improving Intellectual Wellness and Low Energy Levels

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Goal Setting

To start goal setting, come up with a list of thing you plan to accomplish. This could be academically, professionally, or just related...

Chocolate Energy Shake

Finding delicious and beneficial drinks to give you a quick energy boost during the day is difficult, but this energy-boosting chocolate...

Enjoy the Weather, Take a Walk

Spring is almost here and as winter fades away and the snow melts, go for a walk and enjoy the great outdoors. Exercise is extremely...


Reading is a great activity to decrease stress and anxiety. It is recommended that you read at least ten minutes each day. Reading also...

Who's Judging?

It's not common to put too much pressure on yourself, causing you to be stressed. As many people say, "We are our own worst critic." We...

Popcorn Day!

As you know, carbohydrates and whole grain fiber are excellent sources of energy. Popcorn is a great choice to boost energy, rather than...

Science Behind Exercise

Exercise is beneficial in a health perspective in many ways, but we will provide five reasons for you today: 1. Reduces risk of heart...


Today, we just want you to relax and engage in intellectual wellness by enjoying this hilarious, but smart joke. We recently learned...

Value Yourself

Today’s mental wellness topic is something that is often overlooked, VALUE YOURSELF! This is extremely important to treat yourself with...


If you ever need something to quench your thirst, pick up a glass of water. Water is the most important nutrient, especially when it...

Energy Streches

Exercising in the morning doesn't have to be an intense workout, but rather simple stretches and yoga poses for approximately five...

Creative Expression

Channeling your stress, anxiety, and frustration into your art is a great way to improve mental wellness. Either color in geometric...

Gratitude Journal

Tracking gratitude and achievement in a journal is a great way to express gratitude and make you happier and thankful. Each day, record...

Nutritious Salad

Salads are a great way to preserve your energy in the middle of the day. Today, try some avacodo chicken salad that provides with a bunch...

Morning Exercise Routine

Sometimes, getting ready in the morning is difficult after a good night's sleep. To get ready in the morning and energized for a long...

Fun Fact

School districts across the nation are recognizing sleep deprivation in children and are starting to make changes to school start times....

Mind Games

Mind games are a great way to increase mental wellness and improve intellectual wellness. Participating in these activities benefit you...

Daily Diet

Since nutrition is one of the most important factors in determining good energy levels, we want to provide you with several options that...

Exercise Tips

Exercise is a little tricky to perfect in terms of energy. Too much exercise will make you feel exhausted, but too little won't raise...

Lighten Your Load

One of the main causes of stress, fatigue, and poor mental wellness is overworking. This doesn't just mean professionally, but also...

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